PBSC Online Course Design and Development

In order to better meet the needs of Palm Beach State College’s students participating in the College PBSC Online programs, to better serve faculty/instructors in the development of their online course material, to serve the needs of the College; and to enhance the quality of college online courses, the following guidelines and services are provided. These guidelines address several key factors identified as opportunities to enhance the College’s PBSC Online programs, including:

  • Standardizing the “look” of the online courses to create a branding image for the College’s online programs.
  • Standardizing and thus simplifying navigation of the courses in order to improve student engagement and retention.
  • Growing class offerings to meet student needs.
  • Assisting faculty/instructors in the development of course material to meet set standards for online courses.
  • Providing quality control and continuous enhancement of our PBSC Online programs.

PBSC Online Department Provides the Following Services


  1. Design and maintain a course template to provide a standard look for online courses. The department assigns these templates to instructional staff for the development of course material.
  2. Provide workshops and online tutorials on course development standards, policies, and best pedagogical practices.


  3. Provide assistance with the development of course material, including general advice on course organization of material, as well as assistance with file formatting and development of course material.


  4. Certify courses to ensure quality and compliance with course standards/requirements.


  5. Work with assigned faculty/instructors to develop PBSC College-owned course templates.


  6. Develop and provide instructional staff with training/personal development resources for Canvas, best practices, and various other instructional software.


  7. Meet with faculty to provide one-on-one coaching and workshops.


  8. Distribute Bachelor’s Degree Programs’ and other various departmental master course templates;


  9. Meet with the Academic Innovation Committee on a regular basis to review policies, procedures, and possible course certification resolutions.