Electrician (CCP)

Instructional Credentialing Criteria

Academic and Professional Preparation

All degrees and course work must be obtained from regionally accredited colleges or universities.

Palm Beach State

Course Prefix
CTC Status (Designed for Transfer) CNC Status (Not designed for transfer) Requirements
BCV 0600 – BCV 0669

 Associate or higher degree in Electrical Technology or related discipline

AND – Related industry experience


Journeyman License or Electrical Contractors License

AND – Related industry experience


Electrical industry training culminating in an industry-recognized credential


Two or more years of related industry experience

For all Faculty: Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the assigned course.

Coursework within the degree must reflect competencies in the courses to be taught.


July 2023 Eligio Marquez Veray