Block Scheduling Guidelines for Credit Classes

Block scheduling is a scheduling method that allows students to take a full-time schedule of classes (at least 12 hours) in a two-day-a-week format (e.g., students attend Monday-Wednesday or Tuesday-Thursday). Block scheduling also mandates that all classes begin at the same time. Night classes also follow the same starting times although they usually only meet once per week in a 16 week term. Block scheduling is in effect for all 16 week, 12 week, 8 week and other length sessions. Fall and Spring terms share the same block scheduling template while Summer term has its own template. Each credit instructional “hour” is actually 50 minutes so that a 3 credit hour class meets 150 minutes per week over a 16 week term. These times are adjusted on the template to allow for other session lengths such as 8 or 12 weeks.

ALL credit classes BEGIN at template times only as follows:

Morning Afternoon Evening
8:00 AM 9:30 AM 11:00 AM 12:30 PM 2:00 PM 3:30 PM 5:00 PM 6:30 PM 8:00 PM

The block schedule templates are located in Section G of this manual.