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Special Fees

Special fees are fees added to a class that requires additional supplies or materials. These fees must be approved by the Vice President of Academic Affairs. To request a special fee for a course, please use the form located online. Special fees should cover “unusual” costs associated with a class; they should not be used to “even up” a course to an even dollar amount (e.g., adding a .26 special fee so that a course costs $10.00 instead of $9.74).

All e-learning classes assess a special fee of $10.00 for Web component classes, $30.00 for hybrid classes and $10.00 per credit for online classes.

Special Fees for Credit Classes:

Special fees entered into the course dictionary as ‘required’ are mandated for all students in all sections college-wide. Some exceptions do exist such as an additional fee for certain e-learning courses.

Special Fees for Non-Credit Classes:

Special fees entered into the course dictionary as ‘required’ are mandated for all students in all sections college-wide. Some exceptions do exist such as an additional fee for certain e-learning courses.

Insurance Fees for Credit and Non-credit Courses:

Certain courses in the Health Sciences require students to pay an insurance fee. Fees are paid as part of tuition for classes requiring insurance coverage. Each type of insurance fee is charged once per calendar year. A student enrolling in several courses requiring the same insurance fee will be charged only once per academic year. Fees paid for a course starting in one academic year and ending in the next academic year cover the student for the entire course. Before these fees can be requested for any course, the Purchasing office must be contacted. They in turn contact the Risk Consortium which evaluates the activity and cost of insurance.

Medical Accident Insurance (INSA) - covers students in case they injure themselves while performing as students. This fee can be charged independent of the Liability Insurance fees.

Standard Liability Insurance (INSL) – covers students while they are performing as students in a clinical setting. Examples: Paramedic, Nursing, Massage Therapy, Fire Science, Dental, etc. Medical Accident insurance is required along with this fee.

Paramedic Liability Insurance (INSP) – same as the Standard Liability Insurance except that it is for EMS majors only. The cost is higher as the students are in a higher risk category. Medical Accident insurance is required along with this fee.