Schedule Times and Dates

Stacked classes – Stacked classes occur when two or more classes are meeting at the same time in the same room. This occurs frequently in the humanities area and in CCP classes when two or more classes may be sharing the same lab space. Procedures for properly scheduling a stacked class are found in Section C, Class Scheduling Manual.

The guidelines for stacked classes are as follows:

  1. If more than 5 sections are meeting in the same room, do not try to stack each subsequent section in the room. Leave the subsequent classes as “TBA” in the building and room and make a schedule note to inform students where the class is meeting. Stacking more than 5 sections causes problems with PantherNet and unnecessary work for the scheduler.
  2. Stacked classes and instructor points for IRM – If an instructor is teaching two sections in the same room at the same time they do not get points for teaching both classes.

Use of TBA – TBA means “to be announced.” There are limited circumstances where TBA can be used in each of the scheduling fields.

  1. Use of TBA in the Days field – Use the TBA in the day field when it is not known on what day the class will meet or for open lab classes when the students can attend when they choose. Please note that using TBA in these fields means that a special session cannot be used.
  2. Use of TBA in the BLDG./ROOM fields – Use TBA in these fields when no classroom has been assigned for the class or when the class is not meeting in a classroom at all. Historically this field has been overused. DO NOT book space through the facilities system and leave the class as TBA and indicate to the student where to meet through a schedule note. This will be monitored and the Deans of Academic Affairs will be emailed all classes that are TBA in the BLDG./ROOM fields. This data is vital for Palm Beach State’s reporting of space and room utilization to the State. Off-campus classes should have their facility properly loaded so that we can assess what types of facilities are used off-campus.
  3. Use of TBA in Time Field – Use TBA in the time field if the class does not meet at an exact time such as open lab classes. DO NOT leave the time as TBA and indicate in a schedule note the actual time. Using TBA in the time field also suspends the edit that checks the actual contact hours against the standard contact hours. This is useful when a e-learning class is being scheduled that only needs to meet in a classroom for nine hours (orientation, midterm and final). The three meeting dates are entered on separate schedule lines and a fourth line with TBA in the times is added. Please note that using TBA in these fields means that a special session cannot be used.
  4. Using TBA in the Date Fields – Even though PantherNet allows TBA to be entered on the date fields in the schedule line, Palm Beach State policy is that TBA should never be entered in these fields.

Remember, Using TBA in the Days, Bldg./Room, or Times fields Does Not Book a Room.

The room booking program requires that all day, bldg./room, times and date fields be complete for room booking to occur.

Scheduling breaks for extended classes – Classes that meet more than two hours should have breaks built into the class schedule. It is not necessary to break the schedule into two lines for a 15 or 20 minute break. However, for classes that meet all day (i.e., 8 p.m. to 5 p.m.) a lunch break should be built into the schedule line as follows:

Scheduling breaks

Canceling/Purging classes – Technically there is a difference between “canceling” a class and “purging” a class. Currently, only Academic Services personnel has access to purging a class. If the class was entered in error, please call Academic Services or email with the reference numbers you wish to be purged.

In all other cases, use the “cancel” function. Administration does monitor the number of classes canceled. Canceled classes can also be changed back to an active status; purged classes cannot. If a class had any student enrollment, then canceling is the only option available, the system will not allow the class to be purged.

Procedure for properly canceling a class – Change the class status “C”, canceled. The system will automatically change the bldg./room to TBA.