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Honors Guidelines

(see Section M for more detail)

In scheduling Honors courses, the course designators H2 and HC should be added to each class. The Honors Program manager should double-check each term that the class information is correct on PantherNet.

PantherNet Path: ST CU CC MC

For each Honors class make sure that:

  1. The Honors designators (H2 and HC) are on each Honors class;
  2. “Honors” (or an abbreviation) is in the title;
  3. The maximum class size is set at 15; and
  4. The schedule note reads: “Honors Class: Students must be admitted to the Honors Program to register. To apply, visit For more information, email or call 561-868-3895.”

A general class query should also be run (ST CU QC QC) to make sure there are no non-Honors classes with Honors designators. In particular, remove the H1 or H3 designators from all classes, as these will erroneously show as Honors classes when a student runs a PantherWeb search for Honors classes. The H3 designator (Honors Project Option) will be placed on the class later to facilitate students who are doing projects; however, it does not need to be on the course during the registration period. The H1 and W2 designators are defunct and no longer in use.

H1 Honors Section NO
H2 Honors Course YES
H3 Honors Project YES
HC Honors Student (Gatekeeper for Honors Classes) YES
W2 Unclear: “Honors Class” and Writing Credit in Honors Classes NO