College Required Online Course Template Redesign

1. When a department/cluster and/or PBSC Online requests that a college-owned course template be substantially redesigned, the department/cluster must request the PBSC Online -Online Course Template Development contract and receive approval from the Associate Dean of PBSC Online before any compensation is offered to a content expert/developer and redevelopment of the template is started.

2. The needed changes must be identified by the department/cluster to identify/evaluate needed changes/updates and determine the percentage of course modifications to be developed.

3. A PBSC Online - Online Course Template Development Contract, with deliverables and timelines, will be completed and signed by the contracted course content expert/developer. The document will state that once the course is redeveloped and approved, the course belongs to the College and can be assigned to any faculty member.

4. The content developer must meet with their assigned Instructional Designer as scheduled in the course contract to ensure content delivery and course quality.

5. Payment for redevelopment will be calculated based on the percentage of the course to be redeveloped and calculated as a percentage of the full course development payment of $2,100 (e.g., 50% of template redevelopment = $1,050). Payment for template revision will be issued upon approval of the Associate Dean of PBSC Online.