Creating Course Section with Different Start/End Dates from the Academic Period

Workday allows course sections to be created outside the academic periods if the course section falls within the standard academic period (provided at the end of this section).  When course sections are created with different start/end dates, it is important to also update date controls on course sections.  To change the date controls, an integration must be run to update the date controls.  The integration is a manual process that is processed off of course section tags.  It is important to remember that just putting a course section tag does not automatically update the date controls AND if you end up changing the dates of the course, it is important to alert Susan Bierster (for now) to re-run the integration to update the date controls based on these new start/end dates. CCP typically needs this flexibility; however, there are times with clustered course sections, credit courses may also need to follow this process.  To create sections with different start and end dates:


1. Choose the Full Term Academic Period (Ex: 2023 Fall Full) and then override the start date. 

2.   If the end date of the course section needs to change, on the next screen, you can override the end date by adding the month/day/year.  

3.   When changing the start and/or end date of a course section, it is important to add specific course section tags that are used in an integration to change specific date controls on the course section. 

There are two categories of date controls:

1. Courses less than 10 days

2. Courses 10 days or more

Below is a listing of the course section date controls.  Please note – there are 5 unique tags on the course section.  There are 3 tags relating to grade due date and you only pick one of the tags related to grading

Examples of date controls that need to be changed when start and/or end dates do not match the academic period: Drop/add, withdrawal, grade due date. 

Standard Academic Periods

Fall: August 15th  – December 31st

Spring: January 1st – May 14th

Summer: May 15th – August 14th