Instructor Office Hours

Office Hours Posting – Full-Time Faculty

As part of the Instructor Resource Management Process and also to meet state statute and rule requirements, Palm Beach State is required to enter full-time faculty office hours in the PantherNet system. These screens on which faculty office hours are recorded are not new and have not changed as a result of the implementation of the IRM system.

For more information on the requirements for posting office hours, please see Fla. Admin. Code R. 6A-14.0491 Instructional Personnel – Availability to Students, adopted by the State Board of Education, at

This information should also be posted outside the full-time faculty member’s door using the template developed and approved at the campus level. All full-time faculty office hours should be posted by the end of the first week of classes of the term.

To access the office hours screens for data entry:

Direct Command: CU IM IO – Scroll to Panel 2 of the screens by pressing the F10 key once:

