Special Situations for IRM

There are many special situations which may require you to contact various college offices for assistance. This table, although not completely exhaustive of every scenario you might encounter, may help point you in the right direction.

Situation Solution Contact
Faculty Credentialing

The faculty name I was given to add to the class does not appear on the list of instructors approved for the course.
The faculty member’s credentials need to be approved or tracked down to see where they are in the process. Associate Dean or Academic Services (Clarisse May)
Class Account Number

When I load the class, I do not see an account number (org number) set up for my campus for that course.
A new account number may be needed for that campus. Academic Services (Maria Lopez)
Person exceeds Points

When I loaded the instructor to the class, the computer told me “Maximum load exceeded – press PF5 to confirm.”
Consult with your associate dean and/or dean to make sure this is appropriate and has been approved. Associate Dean/Dean
Team Teaching

I have more than one instructor teaching the course. How do I split the point load?
Each person will need to be added to the class as hourly, not salary. To determine the point load, consult with your associate dean on what percent of the class each person is teaching and divide the points accordingly. Associate Dean
Multiple Instructors

I have many instructors who teach at the same time in the same class. How do I handle this?
Each person will need to be added to the class and reported hourly, not salary. The point load should be figured on the number of hours worked based on the point formula in the in Section E. Associate Dean
Budget Position Code Missing

I can’t find a budget position code for the situation I have – all the ones that appear do not fit my situation.
An additional budget position code may have to be created to cover your situation. You will need to email the Payroll Office with the:

Account number (Org number) plus which category of budget position you are missing (ADJ, OLV, or ETO) and whether you need hourly or salary. Please see Section E for more information.
Class Canceled

At the last minute, the class I submitted a final contract for was canceled.
Pending assignment in Human Resources will need to be canceled. Human Resources
Instructor Resigned

After teaching a few classes, my instructor resigned – what do I do
You will need to add the replacement instructor to the class and make that person the primary instructor. The instructor who resigned will need to stay attached to the class as a non-primary instructor. You will need to adjust the faculty load points for the resigning instructor and add a faculty load screen for the new instructor and run a final contract to create the pending assignment. Human Resources
When not to use IRM

In what situations do I NOT use the IRM process?
You would not use the IRM process for additional non-teaching assignments for faculty such as holistic grading, substitute pay or non-instructional pay for activities such as Brain Bowl. Human Resources
Printing Contracts

Can I submit all my contracts at once for my whole department?
Not at this time. The ability to print contracts in bulk form has been requested through the consortium. Has been requested through the FCCSC group.
No money on the pre-contract

When I ran my pre-contracts, no money showed up.
If the person is part –time, make sure you have the correct MAX LOAD calendar selected for a part-time person. If the person is full-time, make sure they are truly in an overload situation. If you loaded the class as overload but they do not have 45 points, no money will calculate. Academic Services (Maria Lopez)
Can’t submit Contract

I tried to submit a contract but I got the message “Final Contract cannot be run before mm/dd/yy.”
The window for submitting contracts for a session or term has not opened. Human Resources