Full-Time Instructor Contract and Faculty Load

In the current collective bargaining unit agreement, each full-time instructor is employed for 168 days to cover the Fall and Spring terms. A full-load of points for this contract period is 90 points to be in fulfillment of the contract. All teaching that occurs in the Summer term is outside of the collective bargaining agreement.

In many instances though, full-time instructors will teach extra classes or take on additional assignments such as department chair or developing new curriculum. These extra classes or assignments would then fall into the “overload” category of points, if the instructor has already met their contractual point amount. Under normal circumstances, all classes taught in the Summer term fall into the overload category as there are outside the contractual period. According to the current bargaining unit agreement, the associate dean and dean at the campus determine and approve the number of overload points that an instructor may have for any given term.

It is the responsibility of the campus academic dean that each and every faculty member fulfill the basic contract of 90 points and that all overload points have been approved by the associate dean and dean.