E-Learning – Faculty Load/e-Pack Policies

Faculty Load

  1. E-Learning is defined as: Video conferencing and Online classes which are pure Internet.
  2. Blackboard component - The professor is to include in his/her syllabus instructions on the use of Blackboard. Faculty courses are approved to use Blackboard only through certification or an approved mentoring process.
  3. Hybrid classes are face‐to‐face and online instruction. The face‐to‐face portion taught on campus must be 50% of the class. The online component must meet 50% of the course online, evenly alternating and distributed throughout the semester along with the face-to-face portion. The syllabus and the Blackboard outcome page MUST identify the format and schedule for each class meeting: online or face‐to‐face. The course schedule must have notes identifying that this is a hybrid class having a 50% online component. As with all courses, the syllabus is to be given to the supervisor (and DL office) prior to registration for compliance review. The e-Learning office should be notified of the schedule. Hybrid classes are counted as face‐to‐face instruction for faculty load purpose.
  4. For the purposes of faculty load, based on a full-time faculty load of 90 points for a fall/spring term schedule, a minimum of 45 points must be taught in face-to-face instruction. Anything over 45 points may be by e-Learning, subject to approval of the appropriate associate dean and academic dean. If full load taught online in the fall – their full load must be face-to-face in the spring.
  5. Any exceptions to this policy must be approved by Deans’ Council.


Policy Goals

Approved June 2007

To efficiently provide media-rich e-content digital learning resources tailored to the objectives of specific Palm Beach State College courses.


  1. The use of an e-Pack (or equivalent) for an asynchronous course (purely online) must be approved by the campus Dean of Academic Affairs or their delegate on the campus where the course is scheduled prior to the course being offered.
  2. Any e-Pack used must meet Palm Beach State’s objectives and standards for the course.
  3. E-Packs for asynchronous courses should not constitute the entire content of the course and should be integrated into the course or used as supplemental material.
  4. Instructors should be cognizant of any access fees that may be charged by an e-Pack provider and be familiar with the support policies of the provider.

Please see Section N: e-Learning for detailed policies regarding e-Learning.

Enacted May 2006; revised June 2007; revised April 2009; reviewed June 2010; revised July 2013