Student Training in Technology


Student training in the use of technology shall be embedded in every academic program offered by Palm Beach State College. Other Palm Beach State College departments (Library Learning Resource Centers, Student Learning Centers, Corporate and Continuing Education) shall also support student training in technology through workshops, tutoring and courses. The documented resources can be found at:


Each Palm Beach State College program shall document student training in the use of technology as part of the program review process. This assessment shall be updated every two years. The training documentation shall consist of the technology hardware and software used in the program and which courses in the program have embedded training in the use of technology. The form can be downloaded from:

Assessment Schedule:

2010 - Completed

2015 – Completed

2017 - Completed

Assessment of Student Training in Technology Report:

E-Learning Online Course Training

The eLearning Department provides and facilitates a Canvas Orientation non-credit/no-fee online course for students to learn about online learning and the functions of the Canvas learning management system. The students are invited to join and may enroll into this course anytime during their study at Palm Beach State College directly in Canvas.  Upon successful completion, students receive a Certificate which may be required by faculty teaching fully online courses.

Enacted July 2009; reviewed July 2010; revised 2019; updated July 2022