Vendor Gifts

Florida Statute 112.3148 (Reporting and prohibited receipt of gifts by individuals filing full or limited public disclosure of financial interests and by procurement employees) provides the law on the receiving of gifts.

If a college employee is involved with decision, approval, disapproval or recommendation or preparation of the purchase, request, audit or any other advisory capacity of a vendor you may not accept a gift having a value in excess of $100.

If you do receive such a gift, you have the responsibility to return the gift to the giver or donate to charity. If you donate to a charity, you must document the custodial trail and it must not remain in your custody for longer than need be to transfer to the charity.

If you do not return the gift to the sender or donate to charity, there is a lengthy process involved.

While not intended you may subject yourself and the College the appearance of being bribed by a vendor or giving unfair treatment to someone who has not tendered a gift. This is not the result you want or the College can afford.

The law specifies fines and imprisonment as penalties for violation of the statute.

Enacted July 2013