Use of Third-Party Online Grading Tools

Palm Beach State College does not support faculty use of third-party Web-based grading tools. Such tools could be a violation of FERPA rules as student records are being stored on a third-party website. In accordance with College policy, faculty must use grade book software tools provided by the College or record grades in a hard copy grade book. Failure to comply may be a violation of college policy.

The general timelines for submission of final courses grades are as follows:

  1. The grading window opens one day after the withdrawal period of the class has expired (e.g., last day for withdrawal is 10/24/05; grading window would open 10/25/05).
  2. Generally, the primary instructor has five business days to submit the grades once the last class day has passed as recorded on the PantherNet system. The exception to this is for a class that ends less than five days BEFORE the end of the term – in this case, the last day of the term is the last date to submit grades for the class. For example, the last class day is 12/13 and the term ends 12/16 – since this class ends three days before the end of the term, the grades are due at the end of the term 12/16.
  3. The last possible time/date to submit grades would be the last day of a term at 6:00 PM.