Collegewide Course Outline and Syllabus

TITLE - Collegewide Course Outline and Syllabus

NUMBER - 6Hx-18-2.051

LEGAL AUTHORITY 1001.61 FS, 1001.64 F.S.;

DATE ADOPTED/AMENDED Adopted 6/19/01, Amended 4/8/08, 10/08/2013, 9/15/2020


All faculty assigned to teach a credit course shall prepare a course syllabus, which provides information in the categories established within the current syllabus management system, two weeks prior to the first day of class. Faculty are required to post electronic copies of their syllabi in the College’s Learning Management System (LMS) by the first day of class. All course outlines are approved by the Curriculum Committee and the Vice President of Academic Affairs (VPAA) per Board Policy 6Hx-18-2.01 and are to be kept on file in the Academic Services Office.