Deletion of Courses from Catalog and Statewide Course Numbering System

TITLE - Deletion of Courses from Catalog and Statewide Course Numbering System

NUMBER 6Hx-18-2.08

LEGAL AUTHORITY 1001.61 FS, 1001.64 FS, 1007.24 FS

DATE ADOPTED/AMENDED Adopted 12/13/90; Amended 6/19/01, 2011


As part of the annual procedure for preparation of the Palm Beach State College Catalog, the course inventory will be reviewed by the Office of Academic Affairs. Courses that have not been taught for five years will be reviewed by the Curriculum Committee and deleted from the Catalog. Notice of deletion will be sent to the Office of the Statewide Course Numbering System. A course not taught for the preceding five years may be continued in the Catalog if it is to be offered during the next five years. The president shall annually submit to the District Board of Trustees certification for the College that it has complied with the law.