Textbook Selection
TITLE - Textbook Selection
NUMBER 6Hx-18-2.11
LEGAL AUTHORITY - 1001.64.FS, 1004.085 FS, 6A-14.092 FAC
DATE ADOPTED/AMENDED Adopted 6/19/2001; Amended 2/11/2003, 4/8/2008, 3/16/2010, 1/14/2014, 6/14/2022
Amended 10/17/17
Each faculty cluster will develop and maintain an instructional material selection process, which may include the option by a full-time faculty member to select no instructional material.
Before implementation, each cluster’s instructional material selection process will require the approval of the Vice President of Academic Affairs in consultation with Dean’s Council.
With the purpose of maintaining an up-to-date instructional material selection process, each cluster will review its process once every academic year.
Each cluster’s instructional material selection process will include the following guidelines:
1. Texts Instructional material will be adopted for a minimum of three (3) academic years.
a. All adoptions of instructional material (new or new edition) become effective in the fall term of each academic year, or in a different term with approval of the Vice President of Academic Affairs.
b. For academic disciplines in which technology changes rapidly, instructional material may be changed more often.
2. Each cluster will select the instructional material that all adjuncts within their discipline must use for each course collegewide.
3. Sequential courses using the same set of instructional materials collegewide for more than one term shall have the allowance made for the selection of open educational resources (OER) to maximize textbook affordability.
4. Faculty that are reassigned classes must use the instructional materials already selected for those classes.