Textbook Selection

TITLE - Textbook Selection

NUMBER 6Hx-18-2.11

LEGAL AUTHORITY - 1004.085 FS, 6A-14.092 FAC

DATE ADOPTED/AMENDED Adopted 6/19/2001; Amended 2/11/2003, 4/8/2008, 3/16/2010, Amended 10/17/17


  1. Each faculty cluster will develop and maintain a textbook selection process, which may include the option by a full-time faculty member to select no textbook. Textbook selection guidelines will include the following items:
  2. Texts will be adopted for a minimum of three (3) academic years.
    1. All adoptions of texts (new or new edition) become effective in fall term of each academic year.
  3. Each cluster will select the textbook that adjuncts will use for each course college-wide.
  4. For those sequential courses in which the same textbook is used for more than one term, one textbook will be selected for use college-wide.
  5. Faculty that are reassigned classes (i.e. cancellation, overloads) will use the textbook selected by the cluster for that course.