Course Special Fee Procedure

Credit and CCP Courses

  1. All Credit and CCP courses where a special fee is warranted must complete the Course Special Fee Data Entry form at Complete the form and email it for review and approval as directed. The form MUST include a “calculation method,” which details the costs associated with charging the special course fee.
  2. The completed form is reviewed by the Vice President of Academic Affairs for approval by the District Board of Trustees (DBOT).
  3. Each Credit and CCP course special fee will be reviewed on a three-year schedule or be adjusted as needed and justified. If adjustment is needed, a new fee form is completed online and submitted for review by the VPAA and approval by the DBOT.
  4. Review Cycle: 2012-13, 2015-16, 2018-19, 2021-22

Special fees are categorized as follows:

  • Science or health lab/clinical with chemicals, organic or other consumable supplies.
  • Nursing or other health science class with specialized tools and supplies required for skills/competencies.
  • Classes taught in computer labs with standard and/or specialized software, toner or supplies.
  • Regular classroom course with intermittent instruction/use of computer lab.
  • Technical/mechanical lab or studio with specialized tools or equipment.
  • Technical/mechanical course with specialized tools, supplies, or other consumable items.
  • E-learning course with software or other specialized delivery costs.
  • Individual applied lessons in the performing arts.
  • Computer networking, electronics, or specialized technical class with extraordinary software and/or hardware costs.
  • Contracted fee paid by Palm Beach State College on a student’s behalf.

CCE and Avocational Courses

Any Special Fees for these types of courses are proposed on the CCE/Avocational Course Dictionary Form and approved by the Campus Academic Dean for CCE/Avocational courses.

Public Notice and Fee Approval

All course fees (excluding: Corporate and Continuing Education (CCE) fees, Medical Accident and Liability fees, and new courses requiring course fees) are to be publicly noticed twenty-eight (28) days prior to undergoing DBOT review and reviewed once per year, pursuant to F.S. 1009.23(20).

Section 20 states:

(20) Each Florida College System institution shall publicly notice and notify all enrolled students of any proposal to increase tuition or fees at least 28 days before its consideration at a board of trustees meeting. The notice must:

  1. Include the date and time of the meeting at which the proposal will be considered.
  2. Specifically outline the details of existing tuition and fees, the rationale for the proposed increase, and how the funds from the proposed increase will be used.
  3. Be posted on the institution’s website and issued in a press release.

Course Fees are defined in Section 12(a):

(12)(a) In addition to tuition, out-of-state, financial aid, capital improvement, student activity and service, and technology fees authorized in this section, each Florida College System institution board of trustees is authorized to establish fee schedules for the following user fees and fines: laboratory fees, which do not apply to a distance learning course; parking fees and fines; library fees and fines; fees and fines relating to facilities and equipment use or damage; access or identification card fees; duplicating, photocopying, binding, or microfilming fees; standardized testing fees; diploma replacement fees; transcript fees; application fees; graduation fees; and late fees related to registration and payment. Such user fees and fines shall not exceed the cost of the services provided and shall only be charged to persons receiving the service. A Florida College System institution may not charge any fee except as authorized by law.


Enacted July 2004 in Section G from existing policy; revised July 2006, July 2009, July 2010, July 2011, July 2015, July 2019, January 2020