Faculty Hiring Procedures

The following information is the process for full-time faculty, temporary full-time faculty, and full-time CCP Instructors, including timelines and process steps for committees.

Position Vacancy Forms

The following MUST appear on the vacancy form (in addition to all the other boxes which need to be completed):

  1. Courses to be taught: Identify all courses that this position will teach.
  2. Minimum Qualifications: This should be exactly what the Credential Manual states for the discipline or program position to be filled.

Any reference to teaching experience preferred or required, should not be stated (it can be part of the grid for evaluation, but will not be stated in any description, ad, etc.) The statement “Ability to demonstrate the use of technology in the classroom; must be able to use the technology required for the course” MUST appear in this box on all position vacancy forms. If there are other requirements, such as licenses/certifications, that should be part of stated requirements (it should also be in the credential manual).

Faculty Transfers

Faculty transfers will be announced in November and will close in December. Positions will be noted as budget approved or contingent upon budget approval. HR will give the applications for faculty transfer to the applicable Dean. Offers will be made no later than February 1.

Timeline and Overview

Process Timeline
1. Identification of needed faculty positions August
2. Create Job Requisition in “Workday System”. Please review Job Requisitions Job Aid under Workday Training: September
3. Faculty Transfer announcements September
4. Faculty positions be posted/advertised October
5. Close date for faculty positions November
6. HR application review December
7. Academic Affairs receives all applications for prescreening in the Workday System December
8. Academic Screening Committees receive applicant pools for screening. Committee membership must be approved by HR. Standard scoring grids available through HR for application, resume and transcripts should be used. The grid can be altered if approved through Human Resources. The VPAA must review all potential interview candidates using the Faculty Roster Form submitted by the hiring Dean. January
9. Final decision on new positions to be filled through budget process February
10. Interviews are scheduled for candidates. Questions must be approved by HR. Telephone interviews can be used as an initial interview process if there are many applicants, but it is not a required step if the number of applicants is small. All applicants should bring a transcript copy to the interview. January/February
11. Recommendations on recommended applicants for each faculty/CCP Instructor position (no more than three) forwarded to Deans’ Council with the following documents:
The Top Three MUST have:
Completed Faculty Rosters (paper version)
   b . Scanned Transcripts
   c . Strengths/Weaknesses sheet with scores on interview, microteaching, and essay
12. VPAA makes final recommendation of new faculty to the President, per Board Policy 6Hx-18-5.21. All faculty positions should be complete by May. February/March
13. Recommendations made to the District Board of Trustees March/April

Department Checklist for Full-Time Faculty/Instructor Hiring

Before the Term Begins

  1. Provide any additional information Human Resources may need to process faculty member/instructor.
  2. Email faculty member/instructor on accessing Palm Beach State College email.
  3. Provide textbooks (preferably sent to the faculty member/instructor’s home).
  4. Email faculty member/instructor their teaching assignments for the upcoming term.
  5. Monitor that the faculty member/instructor has created a faculty Web page, created and uploaded compliant syllabi, and certified the textbooks they use – Provide link to this Web page - www.palmbeachstate.edu/academicservices/information-and-reference/academic-affairs-policies-and-documents/faculty-webpage-syllabi.aspx which has Web page/syllabi information, and this page: www.palmbeachstate.edu/academicservices/information-and-reference/academic-affairs-policies-and-documents which has textbook certification information.
  6. Assign the faculty member/instructor an office and ensure office has furnishings and is clean.
  7. Work with IT on a computer, either using the computer of the faculty member they replaced or securing a new computer (faculty can choose desktop or laptop).
  8. Work with IT on a telephone line and phone number for the faculty member.
  9. Process paperwork on key requests (door key and desk/cabinet keys).
  10. Provide the faculty member with a mailbox in the department office area/workroom.
  11. Provide information on obtaining a parking sticker.
  12. Request electronic copies of syllabi for the semester.
  13. Obtain copy of faculty/instructor schedule including office hours, lunch breaks, college business, teaching – total must be 35 hours – enter data into PantherNet and post on faculty door. See templates at: www.palmbeachstate.edu/academic-affairs-policies-and-documents/Office-Hours-Templates
  14. Process IRM (Instructor Resource Management) contracts for all classes – pre and final contracts. Copy of final contract is sent to HR.

During the Term

  1. Ensure that faculty/instructors are accessing rosters and checking that all students in class are on the roll.
  2. Remind faculty/instructors on mid-term grading procedures.
  3. Remind faculty/instructors on student assessment procedures.
  4. Remind faculty/instructors to post syllabi for the next term by published deadlines.

As the Term Ends

  1. Remind faculty/instructors on grading procedures
  2. Check grading reports for “I” and “L” grades - follow-up with faculty/instructor
  3. Obtain copy of grade book for filing (should include grades for all assignments) using end-of-term check-out sheet (example) www.palmbeachstate.edu/academicservices/documents/End-of-Term-Checkout

Enacted July 2006; revised July 2007, July 2008, July 2009, July 2010, July 2011; July 2013; July 2018; July 2019