Faculty Meetings

Before classes begin in the fall, each campus holds the following meetings:

  1. New faculty/instructor meeting
  2. Fulltime faculty and/or adjunct meeting
  3. Department chair meeting (separate or inclusive)
  1. Letter/email to all full-time faculty and department chairs informing of semester start-up activities
    1. Welcome back letter with district/campus activities
    2. District links to convocation or a PDF attachment of the summary of pre-fall term faculty/instructor activities along with convocation agenda
    3. Academic calendar
    4. Campus start up dates/events at a glance
    5. Flyer for all faculty meeting
  2. Department chairs receive the above along with the following
    1. Extra duty day dates
    2. District training/workshop
    3. Campus meeting

Adjunct Orientation

  1. Encourage all faculty to attend adjunct orientation meeting
  2. Letter should be sent to all adjuncts inviting them to the meeting
  3. New Faculty Experience (NFE)
  4. Agenda items for meeting should include
    1. College and specific campus information
    2. Introductions of campus administration, department chairs, and faculty
    3. Campus and college activities
    4. Academic calendar
    5. Faculty Handbook supplemented with campus handbooks
    6. Key dates for faculty: college closings, exam schedule, grade due dates
    7. Campus maps
    8. Faculty resources on campus
    9. Academic policies
    10. Campus tour
    11. Class roster, grading, attendance, syllabus template
    12. E-mail, keys

Enacted July 2011; updated July 2019