Field Observation Procedures for Teacher Education

Students enrolled in EDF 2005 Introduction to The Teaching Profession and EDF 2085 Introduction to Diversity for Educators are required to complete 15 hours of Field Observation (FO) for each course. Students enrolled in EPI 0950 Teaching Methods Practicum are required to complete 30 hours of practicum.

The purpose of the field observation is to provide meaningful learning experiences for pre-service educators in accordance with state mandated guidelines for teacher preparation. Through the field observation, students should have an opportunity to:

  • Observe best practices and techniques for effective classroom management
  • Connect theory with practice
  • Assist students in career decisions
  • Develop personal skills and values

Field Observation Process

Students required to complete field observation for EDF 2005, EDF 2085, and EPI 0950 will have a variety of ways to complete this observation. Through a public school, charter school, and private school setting, students may select the venue that works the best for them.

Field Observation in a Palm Beach or Martin County public school follows a strict placement procedure that includes a Level 2 security clearance or Martin County Security Clearance Letter and placement through the Academic Services Office. Charter, private, and out-of-county school (Broward, Hendry) placements can be arranged by the student through self-placement and may have different requirements for security clearance. All field observation placements must be approved by the Palm Beach State course instructor prior to initiation.

THE CODE of ETHICS and THE PRINCIPLES of PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT of THE EDUCATION PROFESSION in FLORIDA is explained in the State Board of Education Rule 6B-1.001. In addition to observing the mandated code, Palm Beach State students are strongly advised to respect the internal rules of the school.

  • Attendance and Punctuality - Schools, administrators, and teachers run on tight daily schedules, so be mindful of their time. Arrive at the school 10-15 minutes early. Follow the cooperating teacher’s directions at all times and do not become a distraction in the classroom. Notify the cooperating teacher if a personal emergency arises. Leave a message if necessary.
  • Appearance - Follow the school dress code and dress professionally. Avoid revealing and provocative clothing and jewelry; leave sandals, sneakers, shorts, jeans, sleeveless shirts and flashy and facial jewelry at home. Maintain a clean and neat appearance all times. Make a good impression.
  • Conduct - Demonstrate professional behavior at all times. Avoid negative comments about the college, school staff, students, and/or the cooperating teacher. Please remember that you are there to quietly observe.
  • Confidentiality - Classroom work with students is always confidential. You may have access to "privileged information" which, naturally, should be treated as such. "Privileged information" is defined as personal records, grades, test scores, behavior and attitude of students. Keep your observations on a professional level. You must not divulge information to which you may have access.

THE CODE of ETHICS* and THE PRINCIPLES of PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT** for THE EDUCATION PROFESSION in FLORIDA is explained in the State Board of Education Rules 6A-10.080 and 6A-10.081 (6B-1.001). In addition to observing the mandated codes, Palm Beach State students are strongly advised to respect the internal rules of the school.

  • Attendance and Punctuality - Schools, administrators, and teachers run on tight daily schedules, so be mindful of their time. Arrive at the school 10-15 minutes early. Follow the cooperating teacher’s directions at all times and do not become a distraction in the classroom. Notify the cooperating teacher if a personal emergency arises. Leave a message if necessary.
  • Appearance - Follow the school dress code and dress professionally. Avoid revealing and provocative clothing and jewelry; leave sandals, sneakers, shorts, jeans, sleeveless shirts and flashy and facial jewelry at home. Maintain a clean and neat appearance all times. Make a good impression.
  • Conduct - Demonstrate professional behavior at all times. Avoid negative comments about the college, school staff, students, and/or the cooperating teacher. Please remember that you are there to quietly observe.
  • Confidentiality - Classroom work with students is always confidential. You may have access to "privileged information" which, naturally, should be treated as such. "Privileged information" is defined as personal records, grades, test scores, behavior and attitude of students. Keep your observations on a professional level. You must not divulge information to which you may have access.

Please see the Field Observation website for details.

*Rulemaking Authority 1001.02, 1012.51, 1012.53 FS. Law Implemented 1012.32, 1012.34, 1012.51, 1012.53, 1012.795, 1012.796 FS. History-New 3-24-65, Amended 8-9-69, Repromulgated 12-5-74, Amended 8-12-81, 7-6-82, Formerly 6B-1.01, 6B-1.001.

**Rulemaking Authority 1001.02, 1012.51, 1012.53 FS. Law Implemented 1012.32, 1012.34, 1012.51, 1012.53, 1012.795, 1012.796 FS. History-New 7-6-82, Amended 12-20-83, Formerly 6B-1.06, Amended 8-10-92, 12-29-98, Formerly 6B-1.006.

Enacted July 2006; revised July 2008, reviewed July 2010; revised July 2013, revised July 2016