Release Time Procedure and Guidelines

  1. Department Chair release time - see current Collective Bargaining Agreement (Collective Bargaining Agreement July 1, 2018-June 30, 2019)
  2. The Academic Deans’ Council may assign release time per academic year for each of the following areas:
    1. Professional Teaching and Learning Center
    2. Music auditions and productions
    3. Theatre production
    4. Program/Regional accreditation
    5. Grant activities (if provided through grant)
    6. Presidential and/or Academic Affairs initiatives
    7. Service-Learning
  3. Release time will be available college-wide for curriculum development of new courses and programs.
    1. It is the responsibility of the institution to assign a full load to a faculty member. Release time should not be used to complete the teaching load.
    2. All release time requests are submitted to the VPAA for review and action.
    3. Release time is approved by the President upon recommendation from the Vice President of Academic Affairs.

Enacted July 2004 in Section G from existing policies; revised July 2008; reviewed July 2010, revised 2012; reviewed July 2019