Sabbatical Leave Guidelines and Timeline

The guidelines for Sabbatical Leave are found in the current Collecting Bargaining Unit Agreement (Collective Bargaining Agreement July 1, 2018-June 30, 2019). Sabbaticals are granted dependent upon available budget.


  • 1st week of October - Announcement is made by email to all faculty by the Vice President of Academic Affairs (VPAA) that applications for Sabbatical Leave for the following academic year are due by December 1.
  • December 1 - Sabbatical Leave applications are due to VPAA.
  • 1st week of December - Applications are sent to the Sabbatical Leave Committee for review and ranking.
  • 2nd week of December - Sabbatical Leave Committee returns their ranking of the applications and the VPAA's office prepares a final ranking sheet which is used to determine the final outcome.
  • 1st or 2nd week of January - Faculty (and their Deans/Provosts) are notified that their names will be placed on the Board agenda for approval of Sabbatical Leave, and they are invited to attend the meeting to be introduced to the Board.
  • February - Sabbatical Leave Awards are placed on the DBOT agenda for approval. An announcement is made to the college of the recipients of the awards following the Board meeting.

Enacted July 2004 into Section G from existing policy; reviewed July 2010; updated July 2019