IRE Recommendation Procedure - New Programs

New Programs – Institutional Research and Effectiveness (IRE) Cycle

On a three-year cycle, the office of Institutional Research & Effectiveness will research and identify new programs to propose as part of the college’s Institutional Effectiveness process. Various national and state databases will be used to research new and emerging needs for the College’s Service area. A program assessment form (sample located at will be produced to assess the current and future job market, costs to start the program and projected FTE. A meeting will be held with campus Provosts and Deans to assess campus capability of starting the proposed new programs. If the program is approved, it is to be brought through the established curriculum process.

IRE Recommendation for New Programs – Response to Emerging Business and Industry Need

At any time, new programs may be researched in response to an emerging need or other College initiative. The College official guiding such an effort must complete the following form to assess need, cost, and benefit to the College: Palm Beach State College - New Program Proposal Form. The campus approved form is then forwarded to the VPAA for approval through the President’s Cabinet.

Enacted July 2007; revised July 2010; revised June 2016; revised January 2020