Program Termination Procedure

  1. If a campus deems that a program should be terminated, the campus shall submit in writing to the Vice President of Academic Affairs (VPAA):
    1. A completed Program Termination Form (Palm Beach State College - Academic Affairs - Program Termination Form)
    2. The SACSCOC Substantive Change Assessment Form (Palm Beach State College - Academic Affairs - Substantive Change Form).
      In order to comply with SACSCOC procedure for program closures, the Program Termination Form must include the following information:
      • Rationale for termination
      • HR Impact:
        • names and titles of affected faculty and staff
        • plan for notification, redeployment or assistance finding employment in the event of their termination
      • Facilities & Property Impact:
        • classroom space disposition
        • equipment and asset disposition,
      • Student Impact:
        • names of students in the program
        • indication of whether students will incur additional cost additional cost to students and
        • teach-out plan(s) for these students*
        • identify any additional costs students will incur from the teach out plan and how students will be notified of this expense
      • Other accrediting bodies for program (in addition to SACSCOC)
  2. Note: Please contact Academic Affairs for additional requirements if a Teach-out agreement with another institution will be implemented.

  3. If the VPAA approves the termination request, it will be taken to the President’s Cabinet for recommendation. If the President’s Cabinet recommends approval, the request shall be moved to the President for final approval. If not, then it will be sent back to the campus with comments.
  4. Upon the President’s approval, the Teach-out Plan will be submitted to SACSCOC for approval.
  5. The curriculum committee is copied on the program termination and the teach-out plan is presented to the curriculum committee as a “for your information” item. Note: The program must also initiate all appropriate changes to the curriculum associated with the program closure using established PBSC curriculum change procedures.
  6. Upon SACSCOC approval each student must be notified in writing of the program termination and given the approved “teach-out” plan and timeline for program completion.
  7. The VPAA Office will file required paperwork with appropriate college and accreditation bodies to include the District Board of Trustees and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.
  8. A college-wide email is distributed announcing program termination.
  9. A final report is prepared by the campus and submitted to the VPAA Office when the last students have completed the program.

Enacted July 2004 in Section G from existing policy; revised July 2008; reviewed July 2010; revised July 2018