Revising a Course
Revising an existing course involves steps to ensure that all areas of the College affected by the revision understand the change and are aware of its ramifications. There are many reasons courses are revised - updating outdated offerings, meeting state-wide discipline committee decisions, complying with accreditation or licensure requirements, or responding to business partnership recommendations.
Step 1: Cluster Decision & Approval
The first step in revising a course begins with the cluster. An individual faculty member or an entire cluster will decide revisions are needed for an existing course. If the cluster approves the idea, a member will be assigned to begin the formal process of course revision and approval.
Step 2: Documentation & Submission
A course revision requires the completion of a Change Course Form in Watermark, the College's online curriculum management system. Once this form and its' support documents (cluster minutes, business partnership minutes (BPC) (if needed), associated course addition, revision and deletion requests) are received, the revision request may be submitted and will move into the approval workflow.
Step 3: Approvals & Technical Review
Once submitted, the request enters the workflow for Associate Dean, Dean, and other required approvals. The submission also undergoes a technical review to resolve any issues which may impact approval, implementation &/or compliance. Upon completion of the review process, the request is added to the Curriculum Committee agenda.
Step 4: Curriculum Committee Review & VPAA approval
The Curriculum Committee examines the proposed revisions to the course to determine the impact on the Course Dictionary, Degree Audit, and other programs and certificates. The Curriculum Committee makes a recommendation to the Vice President of Academic Affairs (VPAA) who gives final approval for program revisions. Unless an exception is authorized by the VPAA, all course revisions will go into effect the following Fall after the approval of the VPAA.
Keep in mind that a revised course (other than an AA course or a Developmental Ed course) action may include a program action submission as well.
Enacted July 2004 in Section G from existing policy; revised July 2005; reviewed July 2006. July 2007, July 2008, July 2009, July 2010, July 2016; revised July 2018, July 2019; July 2024