Deleting a Course

Deleting an existing course involves steps to ensure that all areas of the College affected by this curriculum action are aware of the ramifications of this action. Course deletion is the removal of a course from the Palm Beach State course offerings.  There are many reasons programs or program concentrations are deleted: changing community needs, outdated offerings, state-wide discipline committee or accrediting agency decisions, or business partnership council recommendations.


Removing a course from one program list which is still included in another program list is not a course deletion. Rather, this is a program revision action.


STEP 1: Cluster Decision & Approval

The first step in the process of deleting an existing course begins with the appropriate cluster. The cluster will review needs assessments, college enrollment records and/or state requirements, and decide on curriculum changes involving the deletion of a course. Once the full cluster approves the deletion, a designated cluster member begins the formal process of course deletion.


STEP 2: Documentation & Submission

Deleting a course requires the Delete Course Form submitted through the online curriculum management system (Watermark). Once the form, along with needed support documents (program addition or revision forms, cluster and BPC minutes, or program learning outcomes) is submitted, the proposal will move into the approval workflow.


STEP 3: Technical Review & Curriculum Committee Approval

The proposal is reviewed by Academic Services and prepared to be presented to the Curriculum Committee at the next scheduled meeting. The Curriculum Committee examines the proposal for impact on the Course Dictionary, Degree Audit System and other programs and certificates.


STEP 4: VPAA Approval

If approved by the Curriculum Committee, a recommendation is made to the Vice President of Academic Affairs (VPAA) who gives final approval for the curriculum action.


STEP 5:  Implementation

Upon VPAA approval, the College course dictionary, State course inventory (SCNS) and the catalog are updated to go into effect the following Fall term according to the timeline established by College policy. 


Programs must also update their Pathway Maps to reflect the approved changes.  


Enacted July 2004 in Section G from existing policy; revised July 2005; reviewed July 2006. July 2007, July 2008, July 2009, July 2010, July 2016; revised July 2018, July 2019; July 2024